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Bartos V. 
Eccrine porocarcinoma: a case report of a rare skin malignancy (dermatopathologic view) / V. Bartos, M. Kullova // Галиц. лікар. вісн.. - 2017. - 24, № 1. - С. 40-42. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

Eccrine porocarcinoma is extremely rare malignant skin adnexal tumor histogenetically derived from the sweat gland ducts and acrosyringium. The authors described a 66-year-old woman, who was diagnosed to have a malignant cutaneous neoplasia arising in the lateral side of the right shin. The lesion displayed exophytic growth with central ulceration, it was rounded and well-defined having 25 mm in diameter. Microscopically, it exhibited a mixture of atypical basaloid and clear cell population arranged in solid-nodular fashion, that grew out from the epidermis and infiltrated the corium. Ductal formations were sporadically present as well. Tumor was immunohistochemically positive for HMWCK, CK7, EMA, weakly positive for pCEA and negative for mCEA and BerEP4. The spectrum of histomorphologic and immunophenotypic findings favored a diagnosis of primary eccrine porocarcinoma. Having made the retrospective analysis, the authors found only this single one biopsy-proven case of EP during the last seven years suggesting exclusive diagnosis in a routine dermatopathologic practice.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р569.60


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