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Olkhovskyy Ye. S. 
Improvement of therapy for escherichiosis in children infected with Epstein-Barr virus = Усовершенствование терапии больных эшерихиозом детей, инфицированных вирусом Эпштейна-Барр / Ye. S. Olkhovskyy, S. V. Kuznetsov // Здоровье ребенка. - 2017. - 12, № 2. - С. 292-296. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Background. Escherichiosis remains one of the most common intestinal infections, especially among young children. Indigestion of essential nutrients, transient fermentopathy, imbalance of the symbiotic flora, which develop in escherichiosis in combination with general intoxication and water-electrolyte disturbances, can lead to unfavorable outcomes. One of the factors influencing the course of escherichiosis can be Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection in the child. Purpose of the research - improvement of treatment of children with escherichiosis and EBV infection in different periods of the disease. We examined 74 children aged 2і3 years, who were treated at the Regional Children's Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital in Kharkiv with a diagnosis of moderate-to-severe escherichiosis. A group of 36 children was selected, who received conventional therapy with early gradual restoration of nutrition according to the existing protocol, and the restoration of the qualitative and quantitative composition of food was carried out as soon as possible (first group). The second group was represented by 38 children, who received two-day prolonged gradual restoration of the diet: more gradual increasing the volume of food at each feeding and reducing the number of feedings per day. Children of the second group received drugs containing Lactobacillus, milk thistle extract and B vitamins (once daily with meals) from the first day. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity was performed in all children. Analysis of the main clinical, laboratory and instrumental parameters of patients in both groups during their stay in the hospital and one month after the discharge from the hospital revealed that in children of the second group, in whom rational diet therapy was applied, there was a reduction in the duration of bowel dysfunction, abdominal syndrome, flatulence; the parameters of the coprological test and the echosonoscopy of the hepatic parenchyma were normalized more quickly. Patients on the optimal diet regained their weight in a shorter period. The proposed methods of improving the therapy made it possible to prevent exacerbation of escherichiosis in children of the second group at the early convalescence stages. Conclusions. Early detection of EBV infection in children with escherichiosis, correction of therapy enable early restoration of physiological processes in the intestine and bile system, normalization of digestion and absorption of nutrients, and generally has a positive effect on the course of the underlying disease.

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