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Fomychov V. V. 
Stability analysis of two-level anchor support installed in the weakly metamorphosed rocks = Аналіз стійкості дворівневого анкерного кріплення у слабо метаморфізованих породах / V. V. Fomychov, V. V. Lapko, V. M. Pochepov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 2. - С. 14-19. - Бібліогр.: 4 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Determination of the effective interaction parameters of cable anchors and other elements of combined bolting system while maintaining the recessed development in unfavorable geological conditions to increase its stability. of results of computational experiments carried out by the non-linear finite element formulation for the geomechanical problem. Modeling of water content, cracks content and rheological characteristics of the rock massif was carried out in the form of correction coefficients, and specifies a family of curves with three control parameters. The heterogeneity of the rock mass was set geometrically. Findings. Quantitative and qualitative indices of the impact of rope anchors on the change in the stress intensity of resin-grouted roof bolts were defined. The basic area of reducing the stress intensity is directly adjacent to the circuit output. The degree of exposure of a combination of roof bolting to heterogeneity of the enclosing rock massif and non-linear mechanical characteristics was determined. Originality. The dependence of stress-strain state of resin-grouted roof bolts on the parameters of the installation of rope anchors with increasing depth of the weak development in the host rocks was estimated. The characteristics of the interaction of rock layers and rope anchors on the recessed dome of mine working were obtained. Practical value. Parameters were worked out for application of combination of roof bolting as a bolting system element in mines located in the areas of geological faults, water-bearing rocks, upon the availability of thin inter layers of coal, calcite or carbon-bearing mudstones within more than 0,7 depths of anchors jointing. The limits of the angle of installation of rope anchors are developed, providing increase in the carrying capacity of the bolting system of resin-grouted roof bolts.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И141.311


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