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Netecha M. V. 
Jaspilites and other gemstones of post-jaspilite genesis: mining, treatment, and enhancement = Джеспіліти та інші самоцвіти пост-джеспілітового генезису: видобуток, обробка, облагородження / M. V. Netecha, S. V. Shevchenko, O. P. Strilets // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 2. - С. 28-33. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To provide an overview of the world jaspilites production technologies and to recommend the optimal technologies for accompanying mining of jaspilites at the ore-mining enterprises of Ukraine. Methodology. Theoretical and methodological analysis, study and generalization of the world experience for the jaspilites mining on iron-ore deposits. Findings. The article describes historical names for decorative varieties of jaspilites, trademarks and simultaneously occurring gemstones of jaspilite genesis. The main extraction methods using explosives and sparing technology are analyzed, the best technologies for accompanying mining of jaspilites at iron ore quarries of Ukraine are proved, as well as the further processing and enhancement for gem surfaces. Originality. For the first time the choice of technologies, machinery and equipment for the jaspilites mining at the iron ore quarries of Ukraine is substantiated. Practical value. The proposed concurrent production technologies enable the development of ledges containing decorative jaspilite reserves, without affecting the primary production at mining and processing enterprises, developing deposits of ferruginous quartzite.

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