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Bondarenko A. I. 
Effect of antilock brake system on basic parameters of transport vehicle transmission = Вплив антиблокувальної системи на основні параметри трансмісії транспортного засобу / A. I. Bondarenko, I. O. Taran // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 2. - С. 75-80. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. The objective of the paper is to study antilock brake systems (ABS) effect upon the basic parameters of hydrostatic mechanical transmission (HMT) in the process of emergency braking. Methodology. The research has involved current methods of solving differential equations of mathematical model of transport vehicle braking process as well as the comparing methods to analyze braking process involving ABS and emergency braking at the expense of braking system in terms of kinematic disconnection of engine from a driving wheel with HMT of various schematic designs. Findings. As a result of the complex theoretical research, the effect of ABS upon operating pressure differential within hydrostatic drive, angular velocity of hydraulic pump shaft, range of values of angular velocity and driving and driven clutch shafts, braking efficiency of a transport vehicle, and transport vehicle deviation from the specified trajectory have been determined. Originality. It is the first time when quantitative assessment of ABS effect upon HMT kinematic and power parameters has been performed; it allows increasing technical level of transmissions even at the wheeled vehicle design stage at the expense of timely considering of possible overload occurring while operating in the process of ABS braking. Practical value. The proposed methods and applied mathematical models have made it possible to develop the approach to determine and take into account possible HMT overloads arising in terms of wheel transport vehicle with ABS braking even within the design period.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: О12-042


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