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Bagriy S. M. 
Spatial modeling and prediction of environmental situation when filling Dombrowski quarry: GIS approach = Просторове моделювання та прогнозування екологічної ситуації при наповненні Домбровського кар'єру: геоінформаційний підхід / S. M. Bagriy, L. I. Davybida, E. D. Kuzmenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 2. - С. 106-111. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

Purpose. The objective of this study consists in development of a digital model of the Dombrowski quarry and calculation of the parameters of the quarry filling dynamics with the brines on the basis of the geospatial data. Methodology. The geoinformation analysis methods, as well as the mathematical and cartographic modeling on the basis of the GIS technologies, were used in order to achieve the stated objective. Findings. The topical problem of elimination of the Kalush mining region operating results was considered. Temporal dynamics of water-filling and brine concentration increase in the Dombrowski quarry was analyzed. The dependencies, whose parameters are a basis for predicting the water balance of the object, were obtained. A digital model of the Dombrowski quarry relief, which is the spatial geoinformation basis for prediction and modeling of the filling dynamics, was developed when conducting the studies with the help of the GIS technologies. Originality. A conception of the analytical GIS spatial modeling and prediction of the emergency situations that can arise within the territory of the Kalush mining region was developed. Practical value. The absolute critical altitudes of the brine contact with the water-bearing gravel horizon were determined. A possible time of the brine surface rise to the water-bearing horizon and predicted value of the total mineral components concentration for this period were defined.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И22-4


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