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Brodny Ja. 
Analysis of influence of values initial axial forces in the bolts of stirrups on value of a yield in the frictional joint / Ja. Brodny, M. Chmurko // Вісті Донец. гірн. ін-ту. - 2013. - № 2. - С. 46-51. - Бібліогр.: 4 назв. - англ.

On the operational parameters of frictional joints being applied in the yielding support of dog headings a very significant influence have the initial values of axial forces in the bolts of stirrups, since they decide on load capacity and yield capacity. Value of displacement of a section sliding down (value of the yield in the joint) is a measure of the yield capacity of the frictional joint. In the paper results of stand tests are presented. They were carried out in order to determine the influence of initial values of axial forces in the bolts of stirrups on the value of the yield in the frictional joint. The tests were performed for the straight frictional joints loaded with an impact of freely falling mass. Obtained results should be used practically, at the selection of yielding support for dog headings threatened by dynamic loadings.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ж4-02


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