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Malykhin D. G. 
Accounting of the elasticity modules anisotropy in hsp metals for X-ray investigations of dislocation structure = Урахування анізотропії еластичних модулів у ГЩУ-металах при рентгенівському дослідженні дислокаційної структури / D. G. Malykhin // East Europ. J. of Physics. - 2016. - 3, № 3. - С. 84-87. - Бібліогр.: 6 назв. - англ.

A calculation of X-ray diffraction on the dislocation structure of polycrystalline materials with the biaxial anisotropy of the crystal lattice has been carried out. The task was reduced to definition of the field of lattice distortion in this neighborhood applied to edge dislocations of the "c" type in condition of anisotropy of elastic modules of a crystal. As a result of general solution of this task, a parameter of spatial anisotropy of the distortion field was defined from elastic modules and further included into tensors of transformation of both initial isotropic model of this field and its coordinates. According to this principle a modified mathematical model of the field of elastic atomic displacements in the neighborhood of an edge dislocation has been built. The final result shows that this anisotropy entirely reflects onto dislocation specific parameters of distortion that can be obtained by an XRD method for determination dislocation distributions and density. It is noted that for hcp metals widely used, accounting of this anisotropy would be reduced to small corrections of parameters.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В378.27


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