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Symchych T. V. 
Anticancer effect and immunologic response to xenogeneic embryonic proteins in mice bearing Ehrlich solid carcinoma / T. V. Symchych, N. I. Fedosova, O. M. Karaman, L. M. Yevstratieva, I. M. Voyeykova, H. P. Potebnia // Эксперим. онкология. - 2017. - 39, № 1. - С. 42-48. - Бібліогр.: 27 назв. - англ.

Aim - to investigate anticancer and immunologic effects of chicken embryonic proteins (CEP) in mice bearing Ehrlich solid carcinoma. The study was carried out on male Balb/c mice bearing Ehrlich solid carcinoma. The immunizations were performed after the tumor transplantation. The immune status was assessed on days 7, 14, 21 and 28 after the tumor challenge. Cytotoxic activity (CAT) of macrophages (Mph), natural killer cells (NK), cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL) and blood serum, as well as the influence of the blood serum on immune cells activity was checked in MTT-assay; Mph's cytochemical activity was tested in NBT-assay; Ehrlich antigen-specific or CEP-specific antibodies were detected in ELISA-assay; medium size circulating immune complexes (CIC) were detected in reaction of 4,5 % polyethylene glycol precipitation. The immunization resulted in tumor growth suppression and significant 25,64 % prolongation of the survival time. In both control and immunized mice with transplanted tumors antibodies specific to Ehrlich carcinoma antigens and to CEP were detected, but antibody response was more balanced in the treatment group. In the treatment group both cytochemical and CAT of Mph was moderately activated and well preserved until late stages of tumor development; CAT of NK and CTL remained in the range of the intact mice until day 28 after the tumor transplantation. The immunized mice were well protected from accumulation of CIC and suppressive activity of autologous blood serum. Conclusion: collectively, our data indicate that CEP can elicit immunomodulating and immunoprotecting effects sufficient to provide tumor growth inhibition. The further elaboration of a xenogeneic anticancer vaccine based on CEP is warranted.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р562.9 + Р56-52


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