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Politykin B. M. 
Energy recovery device for the internal combustion engine = Рекупераційний пристрій до двигуна внутрішнього згоряння / B. M. Politykin, O. D. Shtanko, M. B. Litvinova, S. O. Karpovа // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 3. - С. 82-89. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

Purpose. The purpose of the work is to develop an effective device for utilization of exhaust gas heat energy of the gasoline Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) that meets the design of current car models; to create an appropriate model and analytical calculations of the basic parameters of the thermoelectric generator that runs on exhaust gas heat energy substantiating the possibility of electric power generation in amount sufficient to replace the existing electromechanical car generator. Methodology. Physical and mathematical modeling of the processes of heat transfer and generation of electric energy in thermoelectric generators was used. Findings. A physical analysis of the heat backflow process from the flow of exhaust gas in a generator pipeline and defined the principle of calculations of the basic parameters has been provided. A mathematical model of heat transfer in the pipeline block thermoelectric generator has been developed. A program using Wolfram Mathematica software has been created and the relevant parameters for each block with different loads of ICE have been calculated. A possibility of creating a device for the recovery of fuel energy emitted from the car ICE has been substantiated. The correspondent device is a thermoelectric generator consisting of blocks using the exhaust gas heat. We proposed an air cooling process to reach the optimum conversion efficiency. The possibility to generate up to 1 kW of electrical power has been proven. Originality. An innovative exhaust gas energy recovery device for existing vehicle models was developed. For the first time the division of the thermoelectric generator into three units operating as separate thermoelectric generator as well as insertion of special hollow cylinder in a gas flow were proposed and substantiated. The cylinder has lengthwise ribbing on a surface to improve the heat transfer by thermal radiation. Practical value. The proposed thermoelectric generator allows replacing the electromechanical car generator using a process of excess energy recovery. The energy saved as a result of recovery is at least 2 % in terms of fuel consumed which is important from both economic and environmental perspective.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З391.924


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