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Yagup V. G. 
Symmetrization of three-phase system with negative component filter using simulation = Симетрування на моделі трифазної системи з фільтром зворотної складової / V. G. Yagup, K. V. Yagup // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 3. - С. 89-94. - Бібліогр.: 3 назв. - англ.

Purpose. The determination of the optimal mode of asymmetric three-phase electrical system using the symmetrical component filters and computer power system model is considered. Methodology. The system is represented as a visual model that uses a resistive-capacitive filter to select reverse symmetrical components. Its amplitude is a function of the target value, which in the process of optimization is reduced to zero. The variables used to be optimized are the parameters of the balun. Optimization is performed by a zero-order method. Findings. In the process of optimizing the balun device parameters are calculated. The power supply system is set to symmetrical mode. Changing the angle of the line currents with respect to the phase voltages by changing the parameters of the balun device, and at the same time symmetric mode in the system is maintained. Thus the optimum mode can be achieved in which the reactive power in the power system is fully compensated. Originality. A new approach to the problem of balancing the three-phase power supply systems based on the use of the visual system models and optimization techniques is proposed. The principles of formation of the objective function in order to achieve a symmetrical mode are formulated. The possibility of using filters of symmetrical components for this purpose is shown. The method of exclusion of their direct impact on the power system with dependent sources is found. Practical value. The proposed method does not require special measuring devices and may be easily implemented in practice. The method is characterized by high accuracy and reliability. It can be used in a digital implementation of balancing system based on the use of microcontrollers. It does not require complex processing of signals removed from the voltage sensors.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З27-057


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