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Shevchenko V. G. 
Research on the influence of miners' energy expenditure on coal mining efficiency = Дослідження впливу витрат енергії гірників на ефективність видобутку вугілля / V. G. Shevchenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 3. - С. 140-146. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To establish regularities of influence of miners' energy expenditure on coal mining efficiency. Methodology. Methods of mathematical modeling, mathematical analysis, reliability theory, biomechanical methods, mining, full-time and visual observations with the use of modern information systems, devices and computer systems were used. Findings. The regularities of change of miners' energy expenditure depending on the cutter-loader feed rate in the stope are established. The optimal speed of a miner's movement along the longwall face is determined by the criterion of energy expenditure per a meter of distance passed at different seam power. To assess the comfort of working conditions, it is proposed to use the factor of a miner's energy expenditure per ton of coal mined. It is established that the economy of a machinist's movement is inversely related to the energy consumptions per ton of coal mined, increases linearly with increase in the cutter-loader width and in quadratic dependence with increase in the cutter-loader feed rate. The efficiency of coal mining is determined by the economy of the miner's actions and the power consumptions of the cutter-loader, with increase in the cutter-loader feed rate the efficiency approaches the limit determined by the energy expenditure of miners. The regularities of change in the efficiency coefficient of miners are established when working with and without a respirator, depending on their age and qualifications; it was found that when working with a respirator, the productivity in the case of an experienced worker increases, whereas in the case of a young worker, productivity decreases. Originality. The regularities of coal mining efficiency relation to miners' energy expenditure, the speed feed rate and the width of the cutter-loader have been established for the first time, and limits on the longwall face productivity are determined. Practical value. A methodology has been developed for research on the energy expenditure of miners to determine the efficiency of coal mining and the professionalism of miners.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И-42


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