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Ozhohan Z. R. 
Clinical effectiveness of using aesthetic fixed prosthetic appliances with combined occlusal surface / Z. R. Ozhohan, A. V. Biben // Галиц. лікар. вісн.. - 2017. - 24, № 2. - С. 32-33. - Бібліогр.: 8 назв. - англ.

The objective of the resetirch was to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of using aesthetic fixed prosthetic appliances with combined occlusal surface. The study included 30 patients who were divided into 2 groups: group I included 20 patients with combined occlusal surface of the crowns; group II included 22 patients with ceramic occlusal surface of the crowns. The patients were observed 3, 6 and 12 months after prosthetic repair 6 months after prosthetic repair, the occlusal contact surface area in group I increased by 0,79 %, while in group II, it increased by 1,4 %. 12 months after prosthetic repair, the occlusal contact surface area in group I and group II increased by 2,37 % and 5 %, respectively. The aforementioned data indicated that the occlusal contact surface area increased as the period of ceramic fixed prosthetic appliance wearing increased. When combining the occlusal surface in dental prostheses, the occlusal contact surface area increased approximately 2 times slower. The study demonstrated convincingly that crowns burnt on a zirconium dioxide frame were a better choice as compared to cast framework made of nickel-cobalt-chrome alloy. In case of cast frameworks, the indicators of crown margin discrepancy were worse than in case of milled frameworks - 15 % versus 5 %, respectively. In addition, one cast framework crown (5 %) in group II was remodeled and one crown (5 %) was recemented. Conclusions: aesthetic fixed prosthetic appliances with combined occlusal surface demonstrated high functional and aesthetic characteristics. The use of the USHPS system showed a decisive advantage of milled frameworks and combined occlusal surface over traditional cast ceramic frameworks. The combination of high mechanical, strength and tribological properties of zirconium dioxide and high biological as well as aesthetic properties of ceramic materials helped reveal high clinical characteristics of aesthetic appliances with combined occlusal surface.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р668.6


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