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Vlasov S. 
The impact of residual magnetization on accelerating grout mixture coagulation processes and their physical and mechanical properties = Вплив залишкової намагніченості на прискорення процесів коагуляції цементних розчинів і їх фізико-механічні властивості / S. Vlasov, S. Tymchenko, O. Sinitsyna, O. Buhrim // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 4. - С. 5-13. - Бібліогр.: 5 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Substantiating treatment parameters of grout mixtures in constant magnetic field applied while strengthening weak dispersed rocks by high-pressure jets of these mixtures resulted in increasing efficiency and effectiveness of works in progress. Methodology. The methodological basis of solving this problem is a comprehensive approach including theoretical and experimental studies. Considered coagulation theory and constant magnetic field impact on ion and dispersed systems demonstrated the possibility of applying magnetic field to influence grout mixtures having low water and cement ratio. Afterwards, laboratory methods to determine physical and mechanical properties of grout mixtures and obtained cement rock were carried out. All experiments were repeatedly carried out from 3 to 5 times and experimental data were processed on PC by modern statistics methods. Coefficients of correlation and approximation validity were found for all dependences. Findings. Performed experimental studies allowed determining such parameters of grout mixture treatment in a constant magnetic field that could greatly improve the following properties: The point of starting and completing the cementation process and total time of strength generation (in optimal case the consolidation time is reduced by 12 % resulting in cutting work period required for rocks consolidation). The uniaxial compression strength of the cement rock patterns under different methods and magnetic treatment parameters of initial mixtures is approximated by exponent and exponential function product and magnetic field induction value with approximation validity coefficient of 0,94. The dependence is extremum and has delineated maximum with magnetic field induction being B = 0,36 T. Orginality. The residual magnetization impact of non-ferromagnetic material on coagulation process acceleration of grout mixtures having low water and cement ratio has been considered for the first time. In the course of studies the dependences of changing the period required for starting and completing the processes of setting and cementing as well as uniaxial compression strength of the obtained cement rock on the treatment parameters of these grout mixtures in the constant magnetic field (while changing magnetic field induction and fluid velocity in the working space of magnetic device) have magnetic field induction and fluid velocity in the working space of magnetic device on some physical and mechanical properties of grout mixtures and cement rock obtained after cementing have been established. Conducted experiments allowed identifying rational parameters to enhance these properties, which being applied to jet grout technology gives the possibility for its immense improvement. This enables to reduce cement consumption without sacrificing required fixation strength or raise fixation strength using the same amount of fixer.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Н332.325


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