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Loveikin V. S. 
Dynamic optimization of a mine winder acceleration mode = Динамічна оптимізація режиму розгону шахтної підйомної машини / V. S. Loveikin, Yu. О. Romasevych // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 4. - С. 55-61. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Improving the mine winder operation efficiency by the acceleration mode optimization and study of an optimezed mode using energetic and dynamic criteria. Methodology. The methods of numerical integration of mathematical modelling and non-linear differential equations were used to study the dynamic and energetic indicators of the mine winder operation. The approximate solution of the issue of optimal motion control of mine winders concerning the acceleration mode was found using the collocation method. Assessment of impact of the optimal machine motion law parameters on the dynamic and energetic indicators of its operation was carried out through the implementation of a series of computer aided analysis. Findings. It was found that peak loads and significant values of power consumption occur in machines components during the rheostat launch of mine winder asynchronous drive when switching the rotor resistances. Regularities of influence of machine acceleration optimal duration and ratio, which determines the importance of the respective components in the structure optimization criterion, on estimated energetic and dynamic indicators of machine acceleration mode were revealed. Originality. An optimal acceleration mode of a mine winder was synthesized by the complex integral criterion using the direct variational method. The obtained optimal motion mode is described by continuously differentiated function that reduces the dynamic loads in machine components and improves the energetic characteristics of its drive. Practical value. The mode duration rational values and the ratio, which determines the role of the components in the optimization criterion structure, were found on the basis of dynamic and energetic analysis of mine winder optimized acceleration mode. This allows approaching reasonably to the implementation of the found mine winder acceleration mode that relies on frequency control of asynchronous electric drive of a machine.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И166-53-041


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