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Kuvaiev V. M. 
Dynamic model of interaction of mechanisms on the section between the roll mill stand and the coiler in the process of wire winding by Garrett reel = Динамічна модель взаємодії механізмів ділянки кліть-моталка при змотуванні сортового прокату моталкою типу Гаррета / V. M. Kuvaiev, D. O. Beshta // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 4. - С. 61-66. - Бібліогр.: 2 назв. - англ.

Purpose. The purpose of the present research is to find ways to manage the coiler-mill drive system, which provides an increase in the tension stability of long products when winding on Garrett-type coiling machines at the output mill-coiler section at a level that does not lead to the extension of the profile in the outlet stand caliber. Methodology. For the purpose of obtaining static and dynamic models of rolling tension at the output mill-coiler section, experimental studies of the winding of long products were carried out. The experimental activities included measuring electrical parameters such as the current of the exhaust cage engine, the current of the pinch roll motor, the speed of the wire feeding machine motor, the current of the coiler motor, the speed of the coiler motor, the position of the coil-laying pipe. The investigations were carried out during the rolling of profiles with a diameter of 16 and 18 mm using a digital recorder "Vizir". Findings. Taking into account the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results of the study, a general structural scheme was obtained for the rolling-up model in the mode of stabilizing only the amperage of the winder. Dependencies describing the complex of interrelationships between the mechanisms of the output mill-coiler section and the tension and length of the rolling in this site were obtained. A dynamic model for the interaction of the mechanisms of the mill-coiler section during rolling of long products was developed. Originality. For the first time, a dynamic model of the interaction of the mechanisms of the mill-coiler section has been created for rolling coils with a coiler of the Garrett type, which takes into account both the direct and indirect influence of the mechanisms on the coiling process, which makes it possible to search for rational methods for stabilizing the tension of rolled products. Practical value. The above model is a prerequisite for solving the problem of stabilizing the tension of the rolled section of the outlet mill-coiler, which ensures the stabilization of the transverse dimensions of long products when it is coiled by a coiler of the Garrett type.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К621.3-5


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