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Shramenko N. Y. 
Methodological aspect of substantiating the feasibility of intermodal technology for delivery of goods in the international traffic = Методологічний аспект обгрунтування доцільності інтермодальної технології доставки вантажів у міжнародному сполученні / N. Y. Shramenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 4. - С. 145-150. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development of methods for determining the efficiency of piggybacked cargo delivery in the international traffic. Methodology. The choice of the rational range of piggyback delivery of goods in international traffic is based on the analytical method and mathematical modeling. Findings. The method of choosing the rational range of piggyback delivery of goods in international traffic is proposed, based on the determination of the equilibrium value of the distance of transportation for alternative options: delivery by road transport through service and piggyback delivery. Criterion of the effectiveness of intermodal technology for the delivery of goods in international traffic under conditions of a certain location of production and consumption is substantiated, which is the unit cost of delivering the goods from the point of departure to the destination subject. On the basis of a detailed analysis of individual elements of alternative technologies, the costs of all elements of alternative options are formalized: delivery by road transport through service and piggyback delivery. Originality. Mathematical models of the process of delivering goods in international traffic have been developed for alternative options: road transport through service and piggyback delivery. The models are based on the system approach and take into account the costs of all technological elements of the delivery process, subject to the limitation of the delivery time. Practical value. The application of the proposed methodology makes it possible to select a rational intermodal technology for the delivery of industrial and technical goods in the international traffic. The developed mathematical models allow simulating the process of cargo delivery for alternative variants, including in the maintenance of mining enterprises, metallurgical and machine-building complexes, which makes it possible to operatively estimate the unit costs depending on the values of price and technological parameters.

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