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Мартовицька Н. В. 
Дитячі суди Великої Британії як інструмент здійснення соціального захисту дітей / Н. В. Мартовицька // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2014. - № 24. - С. 90-94. - Бібліогр.: 5 назв. - укp.

The article analyzes the process of juvenile offenders children's protection in the UK. The current structure of social protection of orphans and children deprived of parental care in the UK has three levels: state, regional, local. Between them are close interrelationship in solving the problems of children. The child is protected from birth until they reach adulthood and enter the adult life, getting social security, psychological and legal support from various agencies. Although each part of the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland) has differences in terms of legislative and organizational structure - they follow a single strategy - providing care and support to orphans and children deprived of parental care. Their work aims to provide effective social protection of such population. The author offers the stages of courts procedures in different parts of Great Britain and gives the differences of every. The features of the process and stages of children's hearings in Scotland are suggested in the article. The author highlights the role and function of children's courts, punishment of children of this category, as well as the factors that determine the place of juvenile offenders punishment.

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