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Паламарчук Л. Б. 
Підготовка вчителя до здійснення полікультурного виховання учнів засобами шкільних курсів географії / Л. Б. Паламарчук // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2014. - № 24. - С. 95-102. - Бібліогр.: 6 назв. - укp.

Represented article deals with the problem of teachers' preparation to implement multicultural education of students by usage of school geography course. The content of the article contains a specific kind of material: intercultural coexistence of citizens is the most important thing in a democratic society, as it affects all spheres of social, economic and political life and understanding in society. School subjects included in educational program (Geography, History, Literature, Law, Economics, Philosophy and other social sciences) means that our country is actively developing towards friendly relations with other countries and gradually integrates into the European and global environment. Therefore constantly enhanced requirements for students' multicultural education, their behavior, attitude of each young person to nature and people, personal qualities, competences are aimed at effective position. An important role in this plays teacher, especially subject teachers. Geography belongs to the school subjects, knowledge of which is essential in the development of the young person, her or his multicultural perception of the world. Teacher of Geography plays an important role in multicultural education of students, as one of the managers of educational process. The teacher must have authentic information about original cultural worlds and their connections. It is teacher's responsibility to form fair and accurate tolerance in his students from different ethnic groups and folks. Each teacher has to develop students' professional skills of interaction in the modern multicultural world. Today Geography teacher must possess cultural, multicultural and educational, psychological, regulatory, technological and creative competencies to help him in multicultural education and upbringing of their student-children. Creativity and experience of Geography teacher also plays an important role in multicultural students' education. According to the requirements of the present time, interest in multiculturalism as a pedagogical problem is growing.

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