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Чумак Л. В. 
Вектор змістових ліній розвитку професійної майстерності вчителя в закладах післядипломної освіти / Л. В. Чумак // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2014. - № 24. - С. 136-143. - Бібліогр.: 29 назв. - укp.

The author of the article examines definite psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, analyzes and generalizes received information and experimental facts concern question of professional skills of teacher at the establishments of postgraduate education for opportunity of further growth of mentioned pedagogical unity as objective necessity of educational practice among specialist of high level. It is exposed that mentioned educational branch give to every teacher opportunity to develop in a complex way by the mean of enrichment of skills of pedagogue who includes professional and individual qualities of pedagogue his (her) needs, interests, and also possibility to renew and to extend general and subject's knowledge and abilities, to receive information in time concerning new achievements of pedagogical science and practice. The author thinks that constructive organization of process of postgraduate pedagogical education taking into consideration the specificity of professional activity of its contingent well favor considerably not only on the growth of level of subject's preparing of teacher but forming understanding of specialist concerning his (her) responsibility for his (her) study. Over view of process of development of professional skills of teachers at establishments of postgraduate education as well as society's practice and pedagogical and life experience stipulates further growth of reflexive understanding by specialist his (her) individual professional activity, himself (herself) and surrounding world, non-standard thinking, determined by dynamic processes of contemporary society and all this has important meaning for full-grade life activity of contemporary pedagogue. One of the priority directions is determined creation of conditions for self- improvement, development and self-realization of individuality of teacher as bearer of new information about construction of society and world in a whole, so the citizen of Ukraine, which is able to form generation, ready to learn during all its life, to create and to develop values of civic society.

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