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Огнев'юк В. О. 
Відповідальність як складова акме-професіограми сучасного фахівця: теоретико-методологічний аспект / В. О. Огнев'юк // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2014. - № 30. - С. 8-15. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - укp.

In this article is considered the socio-psychological category of responsibility within the context of specialist's professional activity, defines her role in achieving of the acme-level of the professional self-realization at the modern stage of social development. It is grounded the necessity to include the samples for imitation the responsible activity into content of professional training of future specialists and for consideration if its specificity in the process of design of educational environment of higher education. Nowadays the crisis of human's responsibility for the development of society and civilization, which is manifested in the growth of planetary infantilism is regarded in one line with other crises. The modernization of society should be based on educational reform, the main result of which is viewed as the willingness and the ability of young people to be responsible for their own and social well-being. The responsibilities not only for the results of professional activity, but also for the motives, goals, principles, conditions and facilities of its implementation should be included to the list of common acmeological invariants of professionalism. And this is possible only due to the high level of self-organization, self-education and self-control of specialist, and as a result, his professional self-management. The understanding of responsibility allows the person to choose strategies of professional fulfillment, to determine its goals, means, conditions of implementation, to evaluate objectively the results of their own work, the reasons of their own professional success (Acme) and failures, to protect themselves from high expectations and aspirations, deep upheavals, significant losses and disappointments consciously and validated. The expanding boundaries of self-responsibility imply the increase of importance and constructive potencies of professional actions. Responsibility reflects the essence of specialist according to his execution of some moral requirements that characterize the degree of participation in individual moral self-perfection and in the progressive development of professional relationships that have social consequences. The measure of specialist' individual responsibility is in direct connection not only with the historically achieved level of responsible behavior in a given society, but in a particular corporation, organization, professional community. Samples for imitation of responsible activity should be reflected in the content of professional training of future specialists and should be taken into account in the designing process of educational environment of higher education.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч34(4Укр)


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