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Березан В. І. 
Взаємозв'язок професійної та інформаційно-комунікаційної компетентностей майбутнього соціального педагога / В. І. Березан // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2014. - № 30. - С. 40-47. - Бібліогр.: 11 назв. - укp.

The article reveals the demands of society to the modern teacher, different points of view on the definition of "professional competence" as an integral feature of professional training, the characteristic features of professional competence. The publication highlighted the ambiguity and diversity of the concept of "information and communication competence", submitted their own understanding of information and communication competence of social pedagogue in three aspects: as inherent to every educated person universal personal competence, which is formed over the entire life and requires compliance with the continuity of its formation during the student's admission to higher education; as a general professional pedagogical competence, that belongs to every teacher and requires intersubject formation through the study of all disciplines at the university at all levels of education and qualification; as a specific methodical competence social pedagogue, which is formed through the integration of special information knowledge and skills in the disciplines of socio-pedagogical training. Submitted description its components (cognitive, value-motivational, communicative, reflective, ethical, technological), types (general, diagnostic, professionally-oriented) and levels (high or creative, average or normative, level that needs to be improved, or intuitive), shows the importance of information and communication competence in the formation of professional competence of future social pedagogues, their relationship.

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