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Десятов Т. М. 
Роль освіти дорослих в освітній політиці Європейського Союзу / Т. М. Десятов // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2014. - № 30. - С. 40-54. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - укp.

The article dwells on the adults' education priority tendencies in the European Union education policy. It develops adults' education role in promoting positive social changes as well as emphasizes the importance of comparative studies within the field of adult's education. The article analyzes the adults' education issues as modern society development factors, adults' self-realization and adaptation, organizational and managerial as well as psychological and pedagogical aspects of providing adults with educational services. It mentions that an important condition for effectiveness within the system of basic principles of adults' education development is not only the implementation of the best ideas from the pedagogical heritage, but also introducing democratically-oriented research and foreign experience, because of Ukraine's integration into European education area. Within this context the article analyzes adults' education perspective tendencies based on the experience of European countries, especially condition for making better educational process organization and implementing innovative technologies. It notes that increasing labor market demands, fast technological changes, globalization, increasing academic and labor mobility require competency-based approach to the readiness of all-field professionals to increase their professional level, which is a necessary condition and priority tendency of adults' education modernization in Ukraine. It also dwells on the issues which have to do with the modern trends in societal and industrial development. The article emphasizes that adults' professional education is a societal and pedagogical phenomenon, which appearance and development is conditioned by social and economic factors such as structural changes in manufacture, employment and labor market condition. It mentions the issues and perspective trends in adults' education formation in Ukraine in 21st century.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч444(4)


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