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Децюк Т. М. 
Школа тюторів як умова формування професійної компетентності / Т. М. Децюк // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2014. - № 30. - С. 54-59. - Бібліогр.: 6 назв. - укp.

In this dissertation the author analyses various approaches to such concepts as "extracurricular work", "tutor", "school of tutors", suggests a new approach to understanding a role and function of tutors in higher education establishments. The author provides examples of tutoring in educational systems of Russia and Ukraine. Also, the author analyses the outcome of educational experiment, carried out by the Department of Social Work of Chernigov National Technological University. The essence of the experiment is that the tutors who worked with new students were senior students. These students together with teaching staff formed a school of tutors. At school's meetings they analyze tasks carried out by tutors, explore improvement opportunities and error correction, meet with teaches, plan further activities. Therefore, school of tutors is an association of senior students under the leadership and control of experienced teaching staff whose objective is to prepare the participants to carry out the duties of a tutor, exchange the experiences, search and implementation of new solutions to set tasks, obtain practical knowledge working with young people. Hence, such form of extracurricular work as school of tutors has a positive influence on professional competence of future social workers and namely on their professional qualities, which are, among others: interpersonal skills, optimism, tolerance, empathy, kindness, responsibility, stress resistance, creative thinking. To our opinion, such student association must be developed and established in all Departments where future social workers are educated. Prospect of development is to create a statute of school of tutors and direction of work with junior students.

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