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Дубасенюк О. А. 
Тенденції розвитку професіографічного підходу до вивчення виховної діяльності педагога: акме-історичний контекст / О. А. Дубасенюк // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2014. - № 30. - С. 59-67. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - укp.

This article analyzes the peculiarities of professiographic approach to studying the teacher's upbringing activities in acme-historical context (the XX-th century - the beginning of the XXI-st century). The following trends are revealed: the conceptualization of scientific knowledge; the humanization and humanistic processes; the continuity of education and upbringing; the akmeologization process being the integration and orientation on the highest achievements in the professional sphere, on creating high quality products of transforming activities, on the formation of a mature person being the personality and professional, capable of continuous creative search. It is proved that the professional upbringing activity gains universal, multidimensional character. It embodies in its objective space the full range of full-fledged human being and also stimulates the development and becoming of a young person, his world view, the cognition of the world and human culture, social experience. The professiographic approach based on acmeological foundation is one of the progressive and leading ones for contemporary educational system. The perspective of such an approach consists in complex study and the construction of the subject of upbringing activities that gains the maturity levels when the individual, personality and subject-activity characteristics are studied in unity and relationships in order to achieve the higher levels of personality development.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ч421.421г

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