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Лопушинський І. П. 
Уплив корпоративної культури на результативність функціонування державної служби / І. П. Лопушинський // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2014. - № 30. - С. 100-107. - Бібліогр.: 5 назв. - укp.

The article examines the theoretical and methodological foundations of the corporate culture of public service. Considered adopted by the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service, guidelines on corporate culture in government. Analyzed Approximate Code Corporate Culture Of The State Body approved by National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service. Public authorities propose measures to improve the state of their corporate culture. For competitive benefits in conditions of market relations it is important for organizations to have distinctive features that are the foundation for their understanding and construction expectations of internal and external audiences , and that corporate culture allows to add your own corporation unique image. It focuses on the internal environment and primarily manifested in the organizational behavior of employees. Getting the professional and personal experience, team members shape their attitudes to different phenomena namely the organization's mission, planning of motivation factors, production, quality work. It is possible to increase the optimality of activities and the level of innovative thinking of state employees by acting on them through the corporate culture and ensuring the quality and harmonious broadcast of values that correspond to inquiries of society without forgetting of innovative accents. One of the reasons of improper using in Ukraine the full potential of corporate culture as a tool of social governance is unsuccessful previous experience. Nowadays the management for values with the help of using broadcast quality of corporate culture has become the basis development of public service. The main components of the corporate culture which are inherent to any public authority, include: values of public service; rules of ethical behavior dress code; adopted a system of leadership; management style; methods of preventing emergence and solving conflicts; system of communication and relationships in the team; awareness of themselves and their place in a public authority; requirements for the level of professional competence, identified in the profiles of professional competence of civil service positions; personal qualities of staff (habits and inclinations, needs, interests, moral values, temperament, etc.); behaviors of staff that constantly reproduced (rituals, traditions, customs, etc.); the system of motivation; development and fulfillment of state authorities. The descriptions of corporate culture are reflected in normative and legal documents in particular: the Code of corporate culture of public authority. We emphasize on the impossibility of full transfer on native practice of foreign examples of the development of corporate culture, it is required accordingly the considerable work for searching own methods and technologies when moving overseas, considering Ukrainian specifics.

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