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Майборода А. О. 
Зміст когнітивного компоненту акмеологічної компететності курсанта / А. О. Майборода // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2014. - № 30. - С. 108-112. - Бібліогр.: 8 назв. - укp.

The cognitive component of acmeological competence includes of the knowledge system (general technical, special, acmeological) from the position of self-improvement and self- realization in various spheres of human activity. The scientists determine that acmeological competence is often dealt with as accumulated acmeological knowledge. That is why the author singles out its structural component-cognitive in studying acmeological competence as a complex quality of the fire safety specialist. This component includes "acmeological knowledge". In from the theoretical point of view such knowledge is represented by the main categories and concepts, which characterize the processes of self-improvement and self-development of the specialist in his personally professional activity; and important information about the facts, phenomena, the process of achieving the vertices of such activities, explanation and understanding from the positions of the professional acmeology (direction of acmeology, which includes the knowledge of the requirements, peculiarities, conditions, factors to achieve specific peaks in professional activity); the characteristics of approaches, laws, principles, rules, ways of progressive development of the future specialist; also the collection of special knowledge acquired during professional training in higher education, all establishment by which specialist implements all its activities towards achieving professionalism. On the practical level, acmeological knowledge act as information about the methodological, technological ways and means of transformation of the future specialist. In the process of forming acmeological competence such knowledge can be distributed in three ways: natural, social- humanitarian, technological; comprehensively can be implemented by teachers in the teaching disciplines, in the educational process, social work and psychological services in the higher education institutions. It is determined that in the process of formation of a cognitive component acmeological competence, the accumulation of acmeological knowledge affects on the development of cognitive abilities of cadets and their transformation them into the system acmeological skills.

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