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Майборода Г. Я. 
Методологічні засади технологічної підготовки майбутніх соціальних педагогів / Г. Я. Майборода // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2014. - № 30. - С. 113-125. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - укp.

The methodological foundations of the process of future social workers' training as one of the types of training from the standpoint of student's activity, competence-based approach, situational, akmeology, technological approaches is analyzed in the article. The principles, a set of methods, techniques, forms, means the process of such specialists preparation is suggested. Relevant and timely issues of future social workers' professional technological training are analyzed, aimed at overcoming its ineffectiveness, setbacks and determining more effective ways to implement the methodological problems of the future social teachers' technological training as one of the types of training from the standpoint of the main theoretical approaches (personal and activity, system, competence, akmeological, technological). The features are analyzed, principles are defined, a set of forms, methods, techniques, tools of such specialists' technological training are singled out. The author identifies the principle of future social workers' technological training: humanism, integrity and context, professionalism, problem, dialogic, prioritizing self-learning, self-development and self-education, creativity, and optimal operating technology and describes their contents. Future social workers' technological training is characterized as a set of theoretical and practical components, their contents are defined, the levels of formation of theoretical knowledge are highlighted; algorithm technological skills formation is covered. The author also dwells on detailed analysis of the main aspects of the training process: spiritual and value (the prerogative of spirituality in social and educational activities, the formation of the students' spiritual qualities in the process of training); methodology (to create conditions for methodological knowledge and skills formation).The article emphasizes that the technological approach to the technological training of students provides a clear, step by step teaching actions using a variety of methods, technology. The need for systematic technological training on such stages is identified: the formation of propaedeutic knowledge and skills, the formation of emotionally-valuable relation to the training process, mastery of technological knowledge, the formation of technological knowledge, skills, mastering technological expertise, creativity development, implementation process in independent professional activity training.In conclusion the necessity for further study of technological training as akmeological and communicative approaches is emphasizes.

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