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Сторожук Н. В. 
Роль і місце курсу "Комп'ютерне моделювання в шкільному курсі фізики" у підготовці студентів спеціальності "Фізика" спеціалізації "Комп'ютерні технології у фізиці. Інформатика" / Н. В. Сторожук // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2014. - № 30. - С. 130-134. - Бібліогр.: 5 назв. - укp.

The author defines the relevance and importance of the course "Computer modeling in school physics courses" in students' training of the specialty 7.04020301 "Physics" specialization "Computer technology in physics. Informatics". The article dwells on the potential of the acquired skills in their future pedagogical work with pupils in educational institutions during the lessons and optional lessons in physics. The author points out that computer modeling allows to visualize abstract concepts and laws, to attract attention to the fine details of the physical phenomena or processes that cause the pupils' interest and motivation for gaining knowledge, to intensify pupils' experimental and research activities in the modern school. That's why the training program for the students of specialty "Physics" in Cherkasy National University named Bohdan Khmelnytsky provides a training course "Computer modeling in school physics courses", tasked with teaching students - future teachers of physics - how to create interactive computer models for the description physical processes and phenomena from each physics section, with the future using it at school work. This course has a special place in the structure of future teachers' training, given its goals and objectives, the applied nature of the course, the need for a thorough pre-training (knowledge of the main fields of physics, programming skills, knowledge of numerical methods for solving physical tasks, ets.). As a result of studying the course, students not only master the scientific method of modeling physical processes, but can also organize pupils' self-work to study of physical phenomena using a personal computer.

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