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Тихолоз В. В. 
Проблема самоосвіти у XX столітті: історичний аспект / В. В. Тихолоз // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2015. - № 10. - С. 117-123. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - укp.

Outstanding pedagogues of the XX century A. Makarenko, S. Rusova, G. Vashchenko, V. Sukhomlinsky promoted theoretical and practical concepts of self-education: objectives, principles, methods and forms of self-education; methodology of self-education, centered on self study using a book as the main source of knowledge; formulation of prospects in self-education; self-education as a means of socialization. In the 20's - early 30's A. Makarenko puts into practice the idea of the social character of self-education. Education is impossible when the school and the book are ignored. Therefore the possibility of wide self-education as a kind of prospects opens the way for further development of the whole group. Only self-education of each collective members, living in commune, "only the school and the book can determine our progress". By G. Vashchenko, the child should be encouraged to self-education in the educational process. Key factors of child's spiritual development, which contribute to their socialization, are self-improvement, self-upbringing and self-education, which reflect their inner world. In the 60's of XX century V. Sukhomlinsky supplemented the theory and practice of self-education by actual provisions: self-education is a necessary condition for intellectually and spiritually full life; the student's mental abilities formation is impossible without self-education; the basis of self-education is interest, hobbies, needs for regular updating of knowledge - from the work in hobby groups to the interest in reading books, from books to the specific area of scientific knowledge, from knowledge to creative work.

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