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Тріфаніна Л. С. 
Сутність інформаційної культури в контексті людського капіталу / Л. С. Тріфаніна // Вісн. Черкас. ун-ту. Сер. Пед. науки. - 2015. - № 10. - С. 123-128. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - укp.

The development of information technology, increase the weight of knowledge, skills led to the emergence of information culture. Today the more developed country uses in their development of an information factor and vice versa. Information activities and use of information factors which are the basic parameters that form the human capital, determine the success of the economy in the different countries. The transition to an information society (knowledge society), what is observed today,evokes an objective necessity creating a new, information concept of human capital, where informationcommunication technologies will get crucial meaning as technologies directed at creating and broadcasting of information. Social-economic spase that is constantly changes, leads to what information-communication technologies, embedded in the living space of the individual, it is simultaneously a mechanism by which an individual can improve human capital (the same system of distance education), and it was part of human capital.The concept of human capital and information culture are closely intertwine. The information-communication technologies are emerging at the intersection categories of information and human capital, since information flows permeate all areas of life humanity and play an increase role in a globalized world community.

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