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Пошуковий запит: (<.>ID=REF-0000668347<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Vasyltsiv T. 
Priorities and tools of the state regional policy of import substitution in the market of Ukraine's consumer goods / T. Vasyltsiv, R. Lupak // Стратегіч. пріоритети. - 2017. - № 3. - С. 105-112. - Бібліогр.: 11 назв. - англ.

The authors prove a high level of import dependence of the internal market of the regions of Ukraine and the existing trends for its strengthening. In the articles the regions of Ukraine are differentiated with respect to their import-dependence, in particular in terms of the share of import in domestic consumption. The authors specify the goals of the state regional policy of import substitution in the context of ensuring the necessary structural changes in the ratio of domestic and imported goods consumption by strengthening the competitiveness of the trademarks of local brands, improving the qualitative characteristics of the functioning and development of the intra-regional consumer market and the transition of local producers to the implementation of export-oriented strategy. In accordance with this goal, the priorities of the state regional policy of import substitution have been determined. The authors elaborate the tools of the regional policy of import substitution that concerns reducing the share (dependence) of import of consumer goods, reducing the level of monopolization of commodity markets and their segments, creation of a fair and equal competitive environment in the spheres of production and goods turnover. Recommendations on reducing the shadow sector, developing a balanced space-species network of trade facilities and strengthening its role in the processes of import substitution at the regional level are also proposed.

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