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Cherniaiev O. V. 
Systematization of the hard rock non-metallic mineral deposits for improvement of their mining technologies = Систематизація нерудних родовищ скельних корисних копалин для вдосконалення технологій їх відпрацювання / O. V. Cherniaiev // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 5. - С. 11-17. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Systematization and allocation of basic non-metallic deposits of magmatic and metamorphic genesis for carrying out works on improvement and introduction of eco- and resource-saving technologies taking into account the spatial parameters of the investigated deposits. Methodology. Statistical and analytical methods are used to obtain the results while processing the main parameters of operating non-metallic quarries of the raw materials for the production of crushed stone products, as well as logical methods for the division of quarries into groups according to their spatial dimensions and thickness of overburden rocks. Findings. The main directions of resource-saving technologies for open pit development of hard rock non-metallic mineral deposits are analyzed. While systematizing, the deposit area and overburden thickness are accepted as characteristic criteria. These types of quarries are recommended as the main objects of research to improve ecological and resource-saving technologies for their development. Originality. For the first time, non-metallic deposits of the igneous and metamorphic genesis of Ukraine's rock-building materials are systematized according to the spatial dimensions of the quarry fields and the overburden thickness. As a result, the basic quarries as the main objects of further research are identified. Practical value. The research results and received systematization of non-metallic quarries will allow improving existing ecological and resource-saving mining technologies, taking into account their specific spatial parameters which will ensure the rational natural resource use while developing deposits. The implementation of the results will improve the efficiency and environmental safety of mining operations. The given classification will allow developing a methodology for calculating the ultimate cost-effective mining depth of granite quarries with the internal location of overburden and waste which takes into account the mining and geological parameters that have the greatest impact on the efficiency of mining operations and economic indicators.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И22


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