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Khatskevych Yu. V. 
Perspectives of load management in energy system with the help of electric vehicles = Перспективи регулювання графіка навантажень енергосистеми за допомогою електромобілів / Yu. V. Khatskevych, I. M. Lutsenko, A. V. Rukhlov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 5. - С. 86-93. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Determination of expediency of the use of electric vehicles as load-regulators on the basis of analysis of load diagrams and existing energy tariffs for Ukraine and some European countries; definition of the main technical requirements for implementation of the regulation. Methodology. Analysis of the actual load diagrams for national energy systems of Ukraine and European countries. Development of principal schemes and decisions for implementation of electric vehicles into the power supply system of Ukraine. Findings. Expediency and prospects of the use of electric vehicles as load-regulators in the nets 0,4 kV of suburban areas in Ukraine are substantiated. Methodology for selecting appropriate capacity and location for charging/generating stations is proposed. It is shown that development and implementation of financial stimulation tools for owners of electric cars to rationalize connections of the vehicles to the greed will contribute to increasing quantity of electric cars, improving efficiency of national power supply system operation and enhancing of ecological state in the country. Originality. New methodology approaches to modernization of power supply system of Ukraine in order to use electric vehicles as load-regulators are developed. Practical value. Economical expediency of the use of electric cars as load-regulators is substantiated both for energy system and for car owners. Schemes of electric vehicles connection for generation of power to the greed are proposed and analyzed.

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