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Schwager N. Y. 
The working conditions and occupational diseases research at Kryvbas mining enterprises / N. Y. Schwager, D. P. Zaikina // Гірн. вісн.. - 2017. - Вип. 102. - С. 196-199. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Analysis of occupational diseases at mining enterprises of Kryvbas, to determine the future directions identification procedure and hazards assessment threats, which will minimize injuries at the place of production. Currently, there is a countrywide need to develop new and proved its value methods, means and principles of occupational health and safety and the promotion of health employees at unhealthy trades, including miners, whose work on the existing criteria's are related to high risk categories to health and survival. It had been used generalization and analysis literary sources and static information on the working conditions in ironore mines. It's substantiated the necessity in the reconstruction and equipping the state-of-the-art equipment of a number of industries, as the production assets are characterized by over-limit wear, are used outdated technology and equipment. Depreciation of fixed production-related assets including machines and equipment at many enterprises comes to 60 - 70 and even 90 %. Justification of the choice of analytical method reasons identified or other circumstances. It's required to solve main outstanding issues of occupational diseases, to improve conditions in the workplace by implementing modern technologies; to attract the scientific potential of the city to address the problem of improving working conditions; to develop modern complex plans at health measures in the production of the specific indicators of occupational diseases; to improve the quality of the occupational pathology help at the working population. The industrial dislocation and defects, which were listed in the article, indicate the necessity of: the correct formulation of the occupational safety and health management system; the development of new methods of training managers of enterprises; conducting special surveys and studies to identify problems in the organization of safe work the employees at mining industry and so on.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И.н6


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