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Mukan N. 
Functional literacy learning in the system of adult education in Belgium / N. Mukan, O. Fuchyla // Advanced education : зб. наук. пр.. - 2016. - Вип. 6. - С. 34-39. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

In the article, the problem of functional literacy training organisation in the system of adult education in Belgium has been studied. The authors analyse the scientific and pedagogical literature which highlights different aspects of the problem under research; characterise the research methodology which comprises theoretical and applied methods. They present the theoretical and methodological framework (humanistic, pluralistic, andragogy concepts) of functional literacy learning; different approaches (standard, context, social and cultural) to the term "functional literacy" treatment; concretise the definition of "functional literacy". The scholars study prerequisites (historical, politica l, social and cultural, social and economic, linguistic) of adults' functional illiteracy development in the modern Belgian society. The researchers characterise the system of adult education according to the structural and functional approach, especially, its legislative, managerial, organisational, and academic levels. They present the systematised and generalised specificities of learning organisation for adults' functional literacy development in formal education of Flemish Community (Centres for adult education), German-speaking Community (public schools), in non-formal education of French Community (network of volunteer organisations). The scientists analyse the content (knowledge, skills of basic and professional education, social and personal skills, skills for self-education) and operational (organisational forms and methods; methods for learning motivation) components of functional literacy learning. The authors present the research conclusions and perspectives for further research.

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