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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Plyatsuk L. D. 
Investigation of produced waters radioactivity of oil and gas deposits in the Dnieper-Donets province / L. D. Plyatsuk, O. A. Burla, I. Yu. Ablieieva, L. L. Hurets, I. O. Roy // Журн. інженер. наук. - 2017. - 4, № 2. - С. G17-G21. - Бібліогр.: 5 назв. - англ.

The process of radioactive pollution of produced waters, oilfield equipment, oil-contaminated soils and sludge is widely spread and differs within the various oil and gas regions. Formation waters contained radioactive element isotopes become the significant source and cause of elevated level of equivalent dose power and as a consequence, an increase in the incidence among the population. The author's idea is formulation of specific recommendations on the decontamination of the investigated objects by conducting the necessary appropriate experimental studies. The purpose of the article is to determine the content of radionuclides, <$E gamma>- and <$E alpha>-emitters in technogenic objects of Bugruvate oil and gas fields, and to reveal the relationship with the features of mineralogical composition, geological structure and technological process. The <$E gamma>-spectrometric analysis was used to determine the radionuclide composition of the natural radiators of the <^>238U (<^>226Ra, <^>214Pо, <^>214Bi) and <^>232Th (<^>228Ac, <^>212Pb, <^>212Вi) series in samples of technological sludge, oil, individual soil samples and water. The content of radionuclides of <$E alpha>-emitters was determined using separate radiochemical techniques. It was investigated that the radioactivity of the formation water is mainly determined by <^>226Ra and <^>228Ra and the products of their decay.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Д225,8 + Е0*801.1-652.15


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