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Artyukhov A. E. 
Obtaining porous ammonium nitrate in multistage and multifunctional vortex granulators = Получение пористой аммиачной селитры в многоступенчатых и многофункциональных вихревых грануляторах / A. E. Artyukhov, A. V. Ivaniia // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 6. - С. 68-75. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Substantiation of opportunities to improve the quality of porous ammonium nitrate (as a component of industrial explosives for the mining industry) through the use of multisection and multifunctional granulators with vortex fluidized bed. Methodology. The data presented in the work were obtained on the basis of series of experimental studies on experimental-industrial samples of vortex granulators with various designs. According to the results of experiments samples of porous ammonium nitrate were obtained and comparative description of the main indicators of quality including surface structure; strength; fractional composition; retention capacity, is presented. Findings. It is shown that by the application of multistage and multifunctional devices it is possible to obtain a porous ammonium nitrate with developed surface area and sufficient strength. Here, heat transfer agent recycling is also provided in the volume of device as well as using its different thermal capacity at various stages of granules porous structure producing. Evaluation of fractional composition of commodity granules also allows stating the advantages of presented designs of devices. Originality. For the first time results, confirming the possibility of combining several stages of process of producing porous ammonium nitrate, were obtained. Using scanning electron microscopy, the main features of the porous structure of the granules were shown and recommendations concerning the control of porous surface formation process were given. Practical value. The presented results of experimental studies are the base for development of multistage and multifunctional engineering calculation technique for vortex granulators. Based on these results improved designs of vortex granulators, protected by IP documents were developed. Such designs of vortex granulators can be used directly at the place of mining minerals of ore and non-metallic origin.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л321.3


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