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Fomin O. V. 
The influence of implementation of circular pipes in load-bearing structures of bodies of freight cars on their physico-mechanical properties = Влияние внедрения круглых труб в несущие конструкции кузовов грузовых вагонов на их физико-механические свойства / O. V. Fomin, A. O. Lovska, O. A. Plakhtii, V. P. Nerubatskyi // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 6. - С. 89-96. - Бібліогр.: 8 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Implementation of the innovative draft system for automatic couplers of railway cars. Such a system is alternative to an existing one, where energy of longitudinal loads are absorbed by draw gears, the main working elements of which are absorbing devices. Methodology. The research presented used the modern methods of the car dynamics and the theory of vibrations for designing a mathematical model to define accelerations in the supporting structure of the car body with viscous materials, the theoretical and applied mechanics for modelling dynamic processes in a new draft system, designing in modern engineering software applications for creating an adequate spatial virtual model of the supporting system of an railway cars, finite elements for calculations of accelerations occurring in the supporting structure of railway cars under longitudinal loading, and the F-test for the model adequacy. Generally, the algorithm of the research conducted included designing the mathematical model for the prospective supporting system of railway cars in order to ground the parameters of the viscous material used. Then the computer simulation of maximum longitudinal working loads was conducted for the new railway cars body. And the results obtained were analysed. Findings. The comprehensive theoretical research has proved the hypothesis on efficient implementation of the concept of the draft system for railway cars. Its full-scale implementation will provide substantial reduction of construction and maintenance cost for freight cars. The models designed during the research are adequate and can be used for further similar research and development work. Originality. For the first time a new concept of the draft system of railway cars has been proposed and scientifically based. The longitudinal working loads are distributed to the centre sill, not to a separate absorbing device (by the way, a rather expensive one); the centre sill is made of circular pipe where the draft arms are filled with viscous material of damping characteristics. Mathematical and finite-element models were developed for defining accelerations in the supporting structure of the car body, which considered viscous connection, and the adequacy of the models was checked. Practical value. The results of theoretical pre-design scientific substantiation of the proposed concept make it possible to proceed to the next design stages. Besides, such results will become the base for further dynamics and power calculations of the supporting structure of car bodies while implementing the innovative trend proposed.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: О244-04


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