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Cheilytko A. A. 
Creation of effective metallic thermal insulation constructions = Создание эффективных металлических теплоизоляционных конструкций / A. A. Cheilytko, S. V. Ilin, M. A. Nosov // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2017. - № 6. - С. 103-108. - Бібліогр.: 11 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Creation of the heat-insulating structure (based on perforated metal plates set), which has simple manufacturing, optimal thermal and physical properties, and also allows using structural elements both from one material and a combination of different ones. Methodology. The empirical laboratory studies of the proposed thermal insulation structure with varying of the pore size and the distance between them were conducted. The regression equation was constructed by the method for planning the experiment. The Student's t-test and Fisher's adequacy test were used for the statistical processing of the data. The Lagrange method with the Kuhn-Tucker conditions was used for finding the objective function minimum. Findings. Dependence of the strength and effective thermal conductivity in the insulating material structure on the maximum pore diameter, and the distance between pore edges was found. An objective function on the basis of minimum heat conductivity and compressive strength of at least 100 MPa was received. The optimum plate perforation dimensions, at which the thermal conductivity is equal to 20,7686 W/(m-K) and the compressive strength equals to 100,235 MPa, were determined. Originality. The optimal geometric parameters of the perforated plate set, for their use as elements of power equipment thermal protection, were determined. The thermal conductivity coefficient and hardness factor of the obtained material were found. Practical value. A thermal insulation structure consisting of a metal plate set was proposed. The obtained metal thermal insulation can be used in different areas, among which are aircraft construction; rocket engineering; automotive and nuclear industry. Such a wide range of applications is due to a combination of thermo-physical and strength characteristics. The ability to use a variety of metals, whether they involve titanium for hulls in rocket construction or zirconium to isolate the core of a nuclear reactor is also important. The usage of this insulation structure instead of monolithic parts will lead to a decrease in total weight; heat losses and material costs.

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