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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Duriagina Z. 
The influence of chemical-thermal treatment on granulometric characteristics of titanium sponge powder / Z. Duriagina, A. Trostyanchyn, I. Lemishka, A. Skrebtsov, O. Ovchinnikov // Ukr. j. of mech. eng. and materials science. - 2017. - 3, № 1. - С. 73-80. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

The phase composition and structure of powders of titanium sponge exposed to processes of chemical and thermal processing is investigated. As a result of X-ray analysis, it is found that after hydrogenation titanium powder consists of <$E roman TiH sub {2~symbol С~x}> phase, while with the increase in the degree of phase dehydrogenation the percentage of <$E roman TiH sub {2~symbol С~x}> decreases, and under perfect the dehydrogenation the structure consists mainly of <$E alpha>-Ti. Particle size analysis revealed that the partially dehydrated powders have the least degree of polydispersity. It is established that by means of regulation of technological regimes of hydrogenationdehydrogenation the two-phase structure with different ratios of <$E alpha>-phase to <$E roman TiH sub {2~symbol С~x}> can be synthesized. It is shown that the presence of titanium hydride contributes to stabilization of the structure of formed powders.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К235.16


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