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Гулевський О. К. 
Вплив низькомолекулярної фракції (до 5 кДа) з крові телят і з плаценти корів у складі кремів на загоєння опікових ран у щурів / О. К. Гулевський, Н. М. Моісєєва, О. Л. Горіна, А. Ю. Нікольченко, І. Й. Щенявський // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2017. - № 3. - С. 32-39. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - укp.

The influence of low molecular weight fraction (below 5 kDa) of calf blood and cattle placenta in the composition of creams on a healing process of the burn wounds III B degree in rats has been investigated. After thermal burn simulating, we have divided animals into the following groups: 1 - a group, where a cream has been applied to the wound surface during 28-day course, it has included a fraction below 5 kDa taken from the cattle placenta; 2 і cream with a fraction below 5 kDa taken from defibrinated blood of calves; 3 - a cream without active substance; 4 - a drug of comparison "Vundehil"; 5 - a group that has not received any treatment. The effect of the creams has been explored using the index of wound area on the 28<^>th day after burn and by histological examination of the burn wound area in three months after the beginning of the experiment. It has been established that on the 28<^>th day of treatment taking into account the wound healing rate and area of a burn, creams that include a low molecular fraction of calf blood or placenta have been the most effective. The smallest area of a burn has been observed after applying a cream with a fraction below 5 kDa of calf blood. The wound healing effect of a cream with a low molecular fraction of placenta has been partly lower, however, it also significantly has exceeded an effect of comparison drug - "Vundehil". The area of wounds in the "Placebo" group have not differed from the indicators of "Control" group. According to the results of histological examination, in 3 months after burn appearance healing of the wounds in all experimental groups of animals have occurred using primary tension mechanism. Epidermis without a characteristic organization of layers has been located on the wound surface of the control group. The thickness of dermis mesh layer in animals has been larger in comparison with a norm. The central sections of a wound at the dermis level have been formed by granulation tissue, which contains numerous fibroblasts, single plasma and lymphoid cells. A network of collagen fibers has been disordered and represented by coarse and loose bundles. While investigating wound area of the animals after treatment with "Vundehil" cream, it has been found that surface of a wound is covered with a layer of dense fibrin with a leukocyte shaft. The sections of granulation tissue have been on the central part of a wound at the dermis level, they contain the extended thin-walled vessels. The bundles of collagen fibers have been closely adjoined to each other, the fibroblasts of an elongated shape with an oval kernel, single lymphoid and plasma cells have been located between them. Morphology in the "Placebo" group has not differed significantly from "Control" group. After treatment, in which a cream with a fraction from the placenta has been used, a wound has been covered with an unevenly thickened, formed epidermis, in which we have observed hypertrophied cells of spiked and granular layers with a hyperchromic nucleus and granular cytoplasm. We have explored a mesh layer of dermis with disordered, multi-directional bundles of collagen fibers.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р458.154.1-5


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