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Hrytsak Y. L. 
Features of immunity by various constellations of principal adaptation hormones and autonomous regulation in rats / Y. L. Hrytsak, O. G. Mysakovets', O. I. Mel'nyk, L. G. Barylyak // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2017. - № 4. - С. 13-23. - Бібліогр.: 51 назв. - англ.

It is known that constellations of principal Adaptation Hormones as well as Sympathetic and Vagal tone display wide variability and represent different gradations of health and premorbide states qualified as harmonic and disharmonic general adaptation reactions. Previously, having conducted research of the concept of a triune neuroendocrine-immune complex, we have found at least four mutually separated groups (neuroendocrine clusters) in healthy (without clinical diagnose) people. We have discovered that various constellations of Neuroendocrine factors of General Adaptation Reactions are accompanied by various constellations of parameters of Immunity. This research has been conducted at rats kept in the same experimental conditions. The experiment is at 58 (28 male and 30 female) white rats of Wistar line. 6 groups have been created which have been equivalent in sex and body weight, both intact and subjected to acute stress on the background of the use of different means. We have been determined parameters of heart rate variability, plasma concentration of corticosterone, testosterone and triiodothyronine as well as parameters of immunity (phagocytic function of neutrophils, population of T, B and NK lymphocytes, spleno- and thymocytograms and their entropy). We have identified 4 neuroendocrine clusters. The first cluster contains only 3 members, the second 11 members, the third and fourth clusters both contain 22 rats. Characteristic features of the rats from the first cluster are a significant increase in vagal tone and significant decrease in sympathetic tone as well as the tendency to reduce the level of corticosterone against the background of normal (<$Esymbol С~0,5 sigma>) levels of testosterone and triiodothyronine. The cluster can be identified as relaxing (anti-stress). In the second cluster traits of relaxation vanish or lower, however, there is a tendency to hypothyroidism. Instead, in the rats from the fourth cluster, on the contrary, there is an increase in the sympathetic tone and, apparently, the level of blood catecholamines in combination with the decrease of the vagal tone and the level of blood testosterone at normal levels of corticosterone and triiodothyronine. In general, such a neuroendocrine reaction is treated as a moderate stress. Finally, the neuroendocrine status of the third cluster members (38 %) is entirely normal. In order to detect the immunity parameters characteristic of every neuroendocrine cluster, discriminant analysis has been conducted. The program has included 11 immune parameters and three parameters of the HRV in the model. Conclusion: the result sobtained in this experiment are consistent with those published earlier and assumed by our clinical observations and display that a wide range of neuroendocrine adaptation factors are accompanied by a variety of immunity parameters. That is why neuroendocrine and immune parameters are closely interrelated within the framework of the triune neuroendocrine-immune complex.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Е60*725.38 + Е60*737.3


Шифр НБУВ: Ж16160 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 
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