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Iarmolovych G. Iu. 
Herausbildung der germanischen Zahlworter aus dem Proto-Indoeuropaischen = Виокремлення германських числівників з індоєвропейської прамови / G. Iu. Iarmolovych // Мова: наук.-теорет. часоп. із мовознавства. - 2017. - № 28. - С. 134-138. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - нім.

The purpose of this article is to identify and describe the most probable forms of numerals in the Indo-European language. In our research, we rely, in addition to the research results of our predecessors, on the linguistic changes the language has gone through during the transition from Proto-Indo-European to Germanic. The objects of our research are forms of the numerals taken from the written artifacts in such languages as Old Icelandic, Old Frisian, Gothic, Old High German, Old English and Old Saxon. Subjects of the study are numerals from "1" to "10" as well as some of their word forms. As a result, may be considered a list of numerals and their forms as they could be present in the Indo-European language. Numerals are essential analysis material for such language origin researches as Anatolian Hypothesis of Renfrew and Cunliffe, Armenian Hypothesis of Gamkrelidze and Ivanov, Tumulus Hypothesis of Gimbutas and Balkan Hypothesis of Devoto. It is also claimed that although numerals represent a small group of words, they offer a variety of forms that represent reliable comparison material.

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