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Bondarchuk A. S. 
Investigation of the influence of higher harmonic curves on the calculated loading of the network solar electric station with 30 kW power = Дослідження впливу струмів вищих гармонік на розрахункове навантаження мережевої сонячної електростанції потужністю 30 кВт / A. S. Bondarchuk // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 1. - С. 74-79. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To estimate the magnitude of the influence of currents of higher harmonics on the electric load of an object with nonlinear electrical receivers, which receive electricity from the inverter of a network solar station. Methodology. Measuring and modeling the processes in the electrical network revealed the presence of higher harmonics from the network solar power station, nonlinear electric devices and determined the effect of their impact on the electric load. Findings. The depth of influence of currents of higher harmonics from the inverter of the network solar electric station, nonlinear electric devices on the magnitude of the electric load due to the additional heating of the current parts is estimated, which should be taken into account in each case in real conditions. Originality. It lies in the experimental study of the spectrum of the higher harmonics of the inverter solar station, of the individual nonlinear electric receivers, the depth of their influence on increase in electric power losses in electric networks and electric devices, which cause their additional heating compared to the course of sinusoidal current. Practical value. The resulting experimental measurements of the spectrum of higher harmonics of inverters, electrical receivers can serve as information for the creation of future databases. This can be used for defining the calculated loads, which will contribute to the prevention of overheating of electrical networks.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З637 + З27-016.38


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