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Turpak S. M. 
Logistic technology to deliver raw material for metallurgical production = Логістична технологія доставки сировини для металургійного виробництва / S. M. Turpak, I. O. Taran, O. V. Fomin, O. O. Tretiak // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 1. - С. 162-169. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To formalize logistic systems and technologies concerning the management of cargo delivery in terms of metallurgical production taking into consideration interaction between motor transport and railway transport. It is required to develop a logistic technology to manage transport generalizing efficiency indices and making it possible to optimize functioning of general transportation system of an enterprise. Methodology. System analysis and logistic approach have been used. Transportation system of an enterprise has been analyzed from the viewpoint of logistics. The analysis makes it possible to integrate efficiency indices of functioning of certain subsystems of the general micrologistic system. Objective function and general model of transportation system optimization have been determined. Findings. Logistic technology providing optimization of the parameters of transportation system functioning according to general logistic criterion has been represented. Micrologistic systems have been singled out; tendencies to control the delivery aimed at providing functional efficiency of transportation system of an enterprise have been determined. Parameters and factors determining the parameters of transportation efficiency to the fullest extent being the basis of developing logistic transportation systems of enterprises have been identified. Originality. A system to control enterprise transport has been formalized from the viewpoint of a system approach and logistic technology providing high-efficiency transportation has been determined. Management efficiency is estimated according to the logistic criterion involving all expenses connected with cargo delivery. Practical value. upon logistic technology optimizing functional parameters of the enterprise transport.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: О184.894


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