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Guliy V. M. 
Peculiarities of geological-structural position, composition and origin of the silver-bearing ores of the Cobalt-Gowganda area (Canadian Shield) = Особливості геолого-структурного положення, речовинного складу й походження сріблоносних руд району Кобальт-Гоугенда (Канадський щит) / V. M. Guliy, O. V. Kostyuk // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 2. - С. 12-20. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Purpose - obtaining new and generalizing previously published results of research studies on geological and structural situation, mineralogical and petrographic compositions and formation peculiarities of ores from deposits of five element formation the Cobalt-Gowganda region (Canada), and comparing it to similar deposits from other world areas. The research included traditional geological observations with collecting samples of various hosting rocks and ores, mineralogical and petrographic analysis of thin sections and polishes samples with ontogeny modeling of minerals formation and detection of their separate generations, determination of rocks and minerals chemical composition along with measuring their reflective power and thermo electro-motive force of sulfides. Isotopic analysis of carbon and oxygen in carbonates from the deposits has been used for genetic constructions. The results obtained during investigations of regional geology, setting of the ore beds, mineral composition of the ores allow connecting ore mineralization formation in the Cobalt-Gowganda region with the main stages of geological development of the Abitibi greenstone belt, formation of fault systems of different order and cracks, which have promoted circulation of ore-bearing solutions enriched by different components from hosting rocks. Presence of various minerals in concrete places of ores is defined by chemical composition and structure of the initial hosting rocks. Joint characteristic of the deposit model for five element formation in the Cobalt-Gowganda region involving different generations of the ore minerals is developed. They are characterized by various physical properties and data on isotopic composition of the carbon and oxygen from the carbonates, which differentiates them from carbonates of other genetic types. It is determined by obtained characteristics of the model silver deposits and their minerals of different associations, which help to estimate possible findings of the similar objects in analogical complexes of the Ukrainian Shield and surrounding territory.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Д451.36


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