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Voloshyn O. I. 
Influence of the heat-transfer stream pressure on the surface of the rock in a process of the thermal reaming of the borehole = Вплив тиску струмини теплоносія на поверхню гірської породи у процесі термічного розширення свердловини / O. I. Voloshyn, I. Yu. Potapchuk, O. V. Zhevzhyk // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 2. - С. 53-59. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

Purpose - experimental research on the high-speed interaction of the heat transfer medium jet with the surface of the borehole in the process of fragile rock destruction with the purpose of determination of the heat transfer medium velocity along the borehole surface and the heat transfer coefficient from the heat transfer medium to the rock surface, e analysis, mathematic and physical simulation modelling as well as experimental research are used. The methodology of experimental research on high-speed interaction of the heat transfer medium jet with the surface of borehole as the lateral surface of the cross duct imitated the rock surface in a borehole is developed. Experimental research that consisted of pressure measurement on the lateral surface of the cross duct at the air jet impingement on the lateral surface is conducted. Experimental research treatment is executed as dependence of absolute pressure at the lateral surface of the cross duct, i.e. absolute pressure on the rock surface, from relative pressure of air before a nozzle and relative diameter of the cross duct. Dependences between the values of pressure before a nozzle and values of pressure on the rock surface, values of relative diameter of the cross duct, nozzle outlet diameter, inner diameter of the cross duct and values of air pressure along the lateral surface of the duct are determined. The work presents physical imitational modelling of high-speed interaction of the heat transfer medium jet with the surface of the borehole in a certain range of geometrical parameters of the cross duct and the nozzle, that is accepted in accordance with geometrical similarity to the technological and processing parameters of plasmatron and borehole diameter before the beginning of thermal reaming process. Expediency of high-speed plasma jets application as a thermal tool in the processes of fragile rock destruction and, in particular, in the processes of thermal reaming of the boreholes is substantiated.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И131.114.6


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