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Belmas I. V. 
Stress-strain state of rubber-cable tractive element of tubular shape = Напружено-деформований стан гумотросового тягового органа трубчатої форми / I. V. Belmas, D. L. Kolosov, A. L. Kolosov, S. V. Onyshchenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 2. - С. 60-69. - Бібліогр.: 19 назв. - англ.

Purpose - establishment of dependencies of the stress-strain state of a rubber-cable rope on its mechanical parameters and geometric parameters of a part where a flat rope gets a tubular shape considering the influence of a cable base breakage. Construction of analytic models of interaction of cables within a rubber-cable rope as a composite structure, created from parallel cables regularly placed in one plane that interact through a layer of rubber, using the methods of mechanics of composite materials. Obtaining analytical dependencies in closed form for establishing the parameters of a stress-strain state of a rope in a part where it gets a tubular shape, which allows determining upper and lower boundaries of stresses in cables and in a rubber layer of a rope. Mathematical formulation of the process is based on the principles of mechanics of layered structures with hard and soft layers. Two mathematical models were developed and investigated, which allows defining the boundaries of a stress-strain state of a flat rubber-cable rope which gets a spatial shape of a cylinder. Obtained results allow predicting running abilities of a rope with a high level of reliability including brakeages of its reinforcing cables. Analytical dependencies for boundary values of rigidity characteristics of a rubber inter-cable layer were obtained and solved, which allows determining basic characteristics of a stress-strain state of the rope, which gets a shape of a pipe within the limited length including the case of a cable base breakage. The possibility to determine the boundaries of a stress-strain state of a rope, prediction of its stress state in case of cable breakage during operation, allows choosing of the reasonably parameters of lifting and transporting machines, on which the rope gets a tubular shape. This increases the level of their operation safety and contributes to solving the problem of ecological compatibility of underwater oil extraction by removing the oil from the area of the well damage directly through the rope cavity, which gets a cylinder shape and which has a massive oil-receiving unit attached.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И166-53-045 + В251.201.8


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