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Zhurakhivskyi A. V. 
Models of probabilistic evaluation of intensity of disconnection of overhead transmission lines caused by a lightning discharge = Моделі ймовірнісної оцінки інтенсивності вимкнень повітряних ліній електропересилання від розрядів блискавки / A. V. Zhurakhivskyi, T. V. Binkevych // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2018. - № 2. - С. 80-86. - Бібліогр.: 9 назв. - англ.

Purpose - development of a mathematical and digital model for estimating the reliability of lightning protection of overhead transmission lines, taking into account random factors. The conducted research on reliability of lightning protection of overhead transmission lines of a voltage class 110 - 750 kV involved intermediate towers of various types. The results are given in the form of curves of dangerous parameters, in absolute and relative units, as well as in the form of numerical characteristics. Methods of analytical and statistical data processing and mathematical modelling were used. The developed mathematical and digital models allow evaluating the reliability of lightning protection of overhead transmission lines taking into account the influence of random factors. The models allow taking into account the geometric dimensions of the elements of the investigated object, the characteristics of protective devices, the operational and experimental characteristics of insulation and corona. They allow calculating curves of dangerous parameters during lightning strikes in the tower or cable in various coordinates, as well as indicators of lightning protection reliability. Mathematical and digital models for estimating the reliability of lightning protection of overhead transmission lines have been developed, which allow taking into account a greater number of random factors and operational characteristics of the object. The model will allow analysis and systematization of random factors affecting the reliability and efficiency of lightning protection of overhead transmission lines, which will allow determining the level of influence of each of them. Increase in reliability and efficiency of lightning protection of overhead transmission lines due to taking into account more random factors and performance characteristics.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З277.13


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